Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Week 4: Networked Classrooms

First, I have to say I am starting to realize I do not need separate pages for each week's post! So I will be just blogging weekly- right here!!

Networked Classrooms... I have to say this is something that I am hoping I can proudly say I have on a daily basis after completing my MET degree. My biggest struggle: trust. I am afraid I will make mistakes with the tools in which I want to use. I am afraid the students may make mistakes. I have to just trust that what I am wanting to do with my students, not matter if they are 2nd graders or 5th graders, just make the leap and learn with them if nothing else! After reading through Katie's blog- I have to admit, I now have a Twiducate account. I have my homeroom students "enrolled" and I hope to introduce this tool to my students on Friday. (the day after tomorrow) Am I nervous... YEP! But I am going to roll with it. I think the kids will LOVE it, and that is my drive. Why hold back when I know they are going to go through the roof with tools such as Twiducate.

Another great push for me, is the following article. "Teacher's Guide to a Networked Classroom"

The article above, has many great ideas and instant tools for teachers to use in the classroom.

And lastly, I have made the leap with Twitter. I have a "hashtag" for my parents. I have already placed it in my newsletter and my website. Our hashtag is #MeurerNews. I figure I can keep saying "I want to" or "I plan to"... but I need to start making some leaps with these ideas! So that is what I have done.

What am I going to do with my hashtag? Well- I am not 100% sure. I do know there will be NO photos being posted. But I hope to post simply "What a great day in Mrs. Meurer's class." Simple phrases like that. We will see where it takes me. Hope it is a way to help me get more familiar with Twitter!

Have a great end of the week! Those of us from STJ- we only have TWO work days this week! Enjoy!


  1. I think you will LOVE twiducate! And I LOVE the idea of your own hashtag for class news. That's an idea I (or our gradelevel) may have to steal!

  2. I am so thrilled you set up a twiducate account! I agree, trust can be a big issue - but mostly it is trusting yourself and your kids :) - they will do great. I would love to hear how it goes.

  3. YAY!! I cannot wait to hear how 2nd graders respond to your activity with twiducate! Please keep us posted! Also, I think what you are doing with your Meurer Hashtag is an excellent idea, it is just another way to keep parents in the loop. Happy Tweeting!

  4. I think it is great that you are being 'brave' and taking the next step and actually implementing some great tools! I am still have the 'I want to use it in my classroom but haven't actually don't it yet.' Best of luck with the Twiducate! I think the elementary could create its own hashtag to send out information to parents or a grade level hashtag.

  5. I think it can be a good thing to jump in and it be a learning experience for you and your students at the same time. That's awesome that you set up a Twiducate account. You always have to start somewhere when having a networked classroom. You'll always be learning something new and sometimes your students may point some things out to you :)
