Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Week 4: Classroom Website and Sharing through Technology

As you have seen me mention before, and those of you that get to work with me- know first hand... I have made a few changes in the past couple years. We once used Dreamweaver to build our websites. This was a very time consuming tool to navigate at first. I then found Weebly. I now use Weebly to create my websites. I just pulled up my 5th grade website (that hasn't been used in over a year) and started looking at it for this post today. Then compared it to my 2nd grade website from this past school year.

My 5th grade website (dormant for over a year) :
My 2nd grade website (used this past year):

In comparing my websites- I feel I did a better job this past year with getting the newsletter portion of my website updated promptly. My district switched over to Google, and I am really enjoying it. Before this past year I was copying and pasting my newsletter into my 5th grade website. This past year, I simply embedded my newsletter Google Document into my Weebly website. As I would type and update my newsletter, it was updated for parents on my website. (no need for copy and paste for this feature!)

Both websites were created and built for student use. My links are geared for my students to use during the course of our class period and/or at home. I set my student computer's homepage in my classroom to my website, and this allows my students to access my website whenever they are at the computer.

Plans for the future:
Actively using the Blog feature with my site. I used a hashtag on Twitter last year, I am uncertain how much my "Tweets" were really viewed upon by parents. I am hoping the use of a Blog will help me see interaction with parents and even my students by seeing comments left on the Blog.

Sharing through the use of technology in my building is happening at small levels. Just as I mentioned Google Docs and sharing with my parents my instant updated newsletter. Teachers are sharing documents, calendars, spreadsheets, etc. through the use of the share option on our Google accounts. Other than this feature, we are simply attaching documents to our emails and sharing this way. I feel our building has a mass quantity of technology ( student computers, SmartBoards, iPads, Macs for all teachers and students grades 6-12) however, we need more training on how to get the most bang for our buck with these devices! This hope for training is one more reason I am pursuing my MET degree. I know there are endless opportunities for educators and technology. Educator to educator, educator to administrator, educator to student and visa versa. I know I am fortunate to work in the district that I am in, and able to have access to the tools we have. I often find myself hoping I am utilizing my tools to the best of my ability!


  1. Very nice websites, Shea! Are you planning on using the blog for yourself, or are you planning on having students write their own blogs? Also, I know you share a lot of Google Docs, but do you ever use Google Templates to share worksheets that you do not want changed? I have been working with it a little this summer and it seems promising. I can create my own template from a Google Doc and then other teachers can download it to their Drive. Here is a helpful website if you are interested -

  2. I really like your website! Hopefully you can just make a few minor changes for next year rather than totally creating a new website for your 1st grade class. I definitely like how you have embedded your newsletter onto the website. Like you said, this is something I should easily be able to do on my site next year. I'm sure the students enjoy the 'SOM' page. Another part of your website that I thought you did a great job was explaining your guidelines as far as AR to both students and parents and then also your detailed instructions on how to use Spelling City. Your website is useful to both students and parents.

  3. Both of your websites look great! I do like how you added the SOM page. I had been printing them each month and sending them home with the two students, but I like your idea also and plan to add it to my website this year. At the elementary, we do send and share a lot of things using Google Drive. I do like Ashley's idea of trying out the Google Templates. Is this how Cara and you did your Newsletter this year or did you use Google Presentation? You mentioned it once, but I forget.

    1. We did use the Presentation in Google for our Newsletter... only because it is easier to move pictures and textboxes right where you want them!

  4. So how do you instantly update your newsletter? I would love to be able to do that instead of inserting it each week?

    1. When you click "Share" change from "Private" (at the top of that pop up) to "Public" and then on your website- just link that link that is provided on the "Share" popup! If that was confusing- come see me sometime and I would be happy to show you!!

  5. Your websites are creative as I expected. I like your SOM page too. I have really enjoyed using google this year too. It is very helpful for all of us since we work on newsletter collaboratively. I hope we continue using Google and that isn't one of those things we change...
